The first step to finding a solution to stop snoring should always start with understanding the cause, which can vary from person to person and range from physical anatomy to behavioral or lifestyle factors. In some cases, snoring may be caused by nasal congestion or sinus infections, more often than not the main cause of snoring is the relaxation of muscles in the mouth and throat during sleep. As you pass from light to deep sleep, your muscles relax and collapse back into the throat, narrowing and even obstructing the airway. The passage of air through an obstructed airway causes an audible vibration, snoring! Alcohol consumption, being overweight, and sleeping habits can also create or exacerbate an existing snoring habit, but the cause of snoring remains the same.
The cause of snoring is extremely important to keep in mind when searching for a remedy as some solutions will not prevent or alleviate the relaxation of muscles and resulting obstruction of the airway.
Sleeping on your side can be an effective way to stop snoring naturally. Doing so can help prevent the tongue from relaxing onto the back wall of the throat. Be careful with other sleeping positions such as sleeping on your stomach or propping your head up can put strain on your neck resulting in neck pain.
Weight loss can help individuals reduce snoring naturally, especially when snoring was not an issue prior to weight gain. Excess fat on the body, especially around the neck, can put undue pressure on the airway and even cause it to partially collapse. This partial airway restriction results in snoring. While weight loss may be helpful for some sufferers, weight loss is not a sure-fire solution, as slimmer individuals can snore too!
The consumption of booze, tranquilizers or sleeping pills can lead to the depression of your central nervous system, which relaxes the muscles of your throat and jaw. Relaxed muscles in this area can cause the tongue to relax as well and block the throat airway. If you consume these substances frequently, they may be to blame for your snoring habit.
An allergist can help you determine if your snoring is caused in part by an allergen. Some common irritants such as dust, dust mites and pet dander may all contribute to nighttime snoring. Replacing pillows every six months, dusting ceiling fans and other bedroom surfaces frequently and keeping pets outside the bedroom are all steps that can be taken as natural ways to stop snoring.
Research has proven smoking is a major contributor to snoring. It is believed snoring as a result of smoking is caused by upper airway irritation and inflammation. Even more concerning, prolonged smoking can lead to permanent damage to the respiratory system. Quit smoking today!
Set a routine and keep it! Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day creates a consistent circadian rhythm, or biological sleep-wake cycle. This helps ensure your body is getting plenty of rest. When we become overtired we experience a deeper sleep that can effect our throat airway in ways similar to drinking alcohol or taking a sedative. Plenty of quality sleep is just one of many natural ways to stop snoring.
Moderate exercise a few times a week is beneficial for a multitude of reasons, including its ability to help you stop snoring naturally. In addition, exercise can be helpful in maintaining a consistent sleep schedule as well as assisting with weight loss; both suggested habits that are natural ways to stop snoring.
A stuffed-up nose makes breathing difficult, especially at night. Lying down can create a vacuum in your throat, which in turn leads to snoring. You can clear nasal passages by using a Neti pot, an over-the-counter saline spray or a humidifier. Nasal decongestants are another option as they improve inhalation and allow you to breathe more easily both during the day and while sleeping.
Theravent is a non-invasive snoring aid that utilizes the power of your own breathing to reduce or eliminate snoring. Both clinically proven and FDA-cleared to reduce snoring by 76%, Theravent requires no prescription and works immediately upon use. While natural remedies such as losing weight and reducing your alcohol intake can aid in resolving your snoring, Theravent can provide the relief you need the first night. Targeting the most common cause of snoring, Theravent has provided over 2 million quiet nights to snorers all over America. Try Theravent risk-free and stop snoring tonight!
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