Friday, 24 April 2015


B) To explain the statement “innovative process of creative destruction as envisaged by Schumpeter”
Joseph Alois Schumpeter Creative destruction occurs when something new kills something older. A great example of this is personal computers. The industry, led by Microsoft and Intel, destroyed many mainframe computer companies, but in doing so, entrepreneurs created one of the most important inventions of this century.

Schumpeter goes so far as to say that the "process of creative destruction is the essential fact about capitalism." Unfortunately, while a great concept, this became one of the most overused buzzwords of the dotcom boom (and bust), with nearly every technology CEO talking about how creative destruction would replace the old economy with the new.

C) From my stand point to DISCUSS “Man is the steward of everything that was made by the maker of the earth and the universe”
Stewardship is a theological belief that humans are responsible for the world, and should take care of it. Many religions and denominations have various degrees of support for environmental stewardship. It can have political implications, such as in Christian Democracy.
Many moderate and progressive Catholics, Protestants and evangelicals see environmentalism as a consequence of stewardship. In Jewish and Christian traditions, stewardship refers to the way time, talents, material possessions, or wealth are used or given for the service of God.
It can be easy to forget that God create the world we live in and us as well. He created the air we breathe, the sun that warms the earth, and plants and animals for food. He is the one that gave us our brains to think, he placed different gifts and skills in each one of us, and gave us each unique personalities.
It is only because of His great mercy that he doesn’t just prove to me how dependent I am on Him, when I start to think I really accomplished something on my own   . As we understand that, “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it,” (Psalm 24:1) we can see that we are merely temporary possessors (or stewards) of things that He owns. We are born with nothing and we take nothing with us when we leave. It all just gets passed on to someone else. The amazing thing is that we have the opportunity to “store up for ourselves treasures in heaven” by giving some of those items that we temporarily possess down here.
As stewards we have a responsibility to use what we have been given wisely. Just like in the parable of the talents, it is up to us how we use what we have been given. We can choose to bury it like the “lazy” steward or we can make more from what we have been given like the “good” stewards.
As far as managing our finances go, there is a tricky balance between not being wasteful like Jesus talks about in John 6:12 and not living with a poverty mindset. It is easy to fall towards one of the extremes, and it is challenging to walk in the balance. That balance is what we should be seeking in the practical areas of being stewards of our finances.
The great thing is that as we prove ourselves faithful in small things we will be given more and bigger things to be stewards over.

D) If man is an entrepreneur, then the maker of the earth and the natural universe must be a Supra entrepreneur. Discuss
They say entrepreneurs create something out of nothing. An entrepreneur has an idea and he startups up a venture. What if God had been an entrepreneur? After all he did start up this world
In six days flat! And what if God had to meet seek risk capital for his ‘whole new world’ kind of the project? We have heard many startup people claim, that in their jobs they simply do what they have always wanted to do and that the time spent working is just great. But wait - is it still work they are talking about? Hasn’t history told us that work means no fun? After all, from the old Greeks to medieval kings, everybody considered work as nothing but a necessary evil. So, let us find out: What is it that people in startups actually want from life and their jobs? What makes them feel so fantastic about devoting their soul to work? For this, let’s turn to German sociologist Max Weber’s classical study “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. It can help us make sense of the meaning and motives behind startup enthusiasm.
The successful entrepreneur stands on top of the symbolic hierarchy within the startup scene. Other actors and institutions need to show their respect to this goddess in order to be legitimate players. This helps us understand why some capital investors have been raised to the symbolic status of a ‘Business Angel’, a heavenly creature. Most of them have a history of being successful entrepreneurs themselves.
The book of Genesis says that God gave human beings dominion over the earth. He said we are to be stewards of His creation. Today, God sustains the universe in a logical, orderly way so that we can understand and influence it as we fulfill our God-given “dominion mandate.”In many cases, we can write equations to describe the consistent predictable behavior of the universe. These equations, or “laws of nature,” are descriptions of the way God upholds the universe in the present. However, these laws of nature cannot describe how God created the universe. Like the flashlight, the universe was not created by the same processes that operate within it today.
God makes clear in Genesis 2:2 that He changed His mode of operation by the seventh day, when He ended His work of creation. So God is no longer acting today in the same way He was during the Creation Week. He is no longer speaking new animals, plants, and stars into existence. Creation was a supernatural event, which cannot be described by today’s laws of nature. So naturalism (the underlying philosophy of the big bang) cannot be harmonized with Genesis. The big bang is diametrically opposed to the supernatural creation described in the Bible. Furthermore, there are many other differences between the big bang and the biblical account of origins. For example,
The Bible tells us that God created heaven, earth, and everything within them in the span of six days (Exodus 20:11) and rested on the seventh day. This is the basis for our work week (Exodus 20:8). In contrast, the big bang model claims that the universe and earth formed over billions of years. Genesis tells us that God created the stars on the fourth day three days after the earth was created. In contrast, the big bang model claims that stars existed billions of years before the earth.
The Bible tells us that the earth was made from water (2 Peter 3:5; Genesis 1:2–9; Psalm 24:2), but the standard secular model teaches that the earth began as a molten blob.
As belief stand critical God has made all things just like magic, by commanding and deciding as they appear. God is the Supreme creator and maker of the Universe. But human beings become the utilizers of the intelligence given by Him.
The Holy Bible , King James Version.
Is the big bang biblical? by Written by Dr. John Whitmore
Taking Back Astronomy, The Heavens Declare Creation and Science Confirms It
Written by Dr. Jason Lisle
War of the Worldviews Powerful Answers For An “Evolutionized” Culture Written by Dr. Jason Lisle, Stacia McKeever, Bodie Hodge, Carl Kerby, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Mike Riddle, and Ken Ham

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