1. One of the most popular chimpanzee pets in the world is Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s old pet. Unfortunately, Bubbles has outlived his famous owner, but he is not the only chimpanzee pet in the world. Many exotic pet owners claim that chimps are remarkably similar to humans. They are considered endangered species but they are still legal to own in the US. Also, it would cost you about $60,000 to own a cute chimp and that is only for the initial purchase. Cheap replacement pet: a turtle, because it costs less.
2. We present you: the Hyacinth Macaw! This is the largest macaw in the world. These fabulous birds come from South Africa and they can grow to be 3-4 pounds. Also, their wingspan is 4 feet, so they are quite big. Besides being absolutely beautiful and big, these birds are quite strong, too. They have been known to break apart cages! Unfortunately, the Hyacinth Macaws are also endangered. It will cost you about $12,000 to own one. Cheap replacement pet: a small parakeet, because… well, it’s parrot.
3. How adorable is this little fellow? Squirrel monkeys usually weight about 2 pounds, and they are really intelligent. They are great pets for people who love to play with their fun, little friends. Also, squirrel monkeys are quite affectionate, which makes them even more popular. However, squirrel monkeys spread their urine on their feet, hands and sometimes even over their whole body in order to mark their territory. It will cost you about $8,000 for a baby squirrel monkey. Cheap replacement pet: golden retrier, because he is also smart and affectionate but you can train him where to urinate.
4. It’s mini-Kangaroo! Wallabies can grow up to 41 inches and weigh close to 53 pounds, so they are not as big as Kangaroos. They love to spend their time outside, so they make great exotic pets. However, they are not typical outside pets, because you can’t really put a Wallaby in your backyard. They need more room than that to move at high speeds. Also, be prepared to have a high fence, because they love to jump. You’ll need about $3,000 for a Wallaby. Cheap replacement pet: guinea pig because it’s fury and it doesn’t jump.
5. This is a Serval. Servals come from Central and Southern Africa and they life about 19 years. They are bigger than domestic cats and they can stand close to 2 feet tall! Servals are one of the most successful hunters of all wild cats and they are pretty fast (Servals are the fastest running cats aside from the cheetas). Except from hunting and running like cheetah, they are similar to domestic cats: they meow, hiss and purr. They cost about $2,500. Cheap replacement pet: domestic cat, because all cats are gray in the dark (no really, they are).
6. The Kinkajou definitely has one of the best references in the world: Paris Hilton enjoys its presence! Kinkajous belong to the raccoon family, and they come from the rain forests in Central and South Africa. Their life span is about 25 years, and in some cases they even live 41 years! Kinkajous are also famous for being super lovable and getting along with humans. It costs about $2,000 to own a Kinkajou. Cheap replacement pet: a mouse, because he’s cute?
7. Fennec Foxes are cute, perky, large-eared animals from Northern Africa. Their life span is about 16 years and they are real superstars among exotic pets. The reason for this is because they are currently bred commercially as house pets with a pinch of being exotic. People describe them as a mix between a dog and a cat, because they are technically related to dogs but they have the temperament of a cat. They cost about $1,500. Cheap replacement pet: chihuahua, because they also have big ears and they are related to dogs (somehow).
8. The Capybaras are also known as the World’s largest rodents, but don’t let this scare you. These exotic pets come from South Africa and they live for about 8-10 years. However, they are quite heavy- they can weigh yo to 150 pounds! People who own Capybaras say they love them for their intelligence, playfulness, and sociability. They are also big fans of waters! So if you have a pool, your Capybara will love it. It will cost you about $600 to own one. Cheap replacement pet: probably chinchilla, because you won’t get hernia from carrying it around.
9. Skunk is a girl’s best friend. We don’t know that for sure, though, but this girl looks pretty satisfied with her exotic friend. That’s probably because its scent glands were removed. Skunks are also known as polecats, and they live for about 12 years. You probably associate them with their ability of using their anal scent glands, and trust us, you do not want to get sprayed with that. But they are also very sensitive and clever. It will cost you about $500 to own one. Cheap replacement pet: rats, because people have a lot prejudices about them too.
10. Hedgehogs are supercute! They come from Europe, Asia and Africa and they live about 3 to 8 years. Hedgehogs are very popular among exotic pets because of their cute little faces. However, if you choose hedgehog for a pet, be prepared for some serious amount of care. They have between 5000 and 7000 spikes and they are very active at night. So don’t walk barefoot around the house. It will cost you about $300 to own a hedgehog. Cheap replacement pet: kitten, because it’s little and cute and will not sting you.
11. What’s that? oh, that’s just the cutest little baby Sugar Glider, hanging from his owner’s hand. Sugar Gliders come from Australia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. They reach 7 inches in length and they weigh about only 6 ounces! Sugar Gliders got their name for their eternal love for sweets, but also, for their ability to glide through the air (no, they do not glide through mountains of sugar, which would be cool). It will cost you about $200 to own a Sugar Glider. Cheap replacement pet: chicken, because it’s cute and sweet.
12. If you’re into reptiles, Bearded Dragon is the right, exotic pet for you. They originate from Australia, and they are called Bearded Dragons because they have spikes around their heads, that look like a beard. Bearded Dragons are quite easy to love since they are really calm and kind of mellow. Just look at that little tongue. It will cost you about $100 to own a Bearded Dragon. Cheap replacement pet: lizard, because you can get one from your backyard.
13. If you are not scared only by looking at this photo, you should probably become an owner of Emperor Scorpion. Emperor Scorpions come from the West African rainforests and they have big front claws. However, people don’t seem to be scared by this, on the contrary, Emperor Scorpions are one of the most common types of scorpions people keep as exotic pets! They can reach 8 inches in length, and their venom is quite mild. How cute. It will cost about $20 to own one. Cheap replacement pet: literally any animal without venom and gigantic claws.
14. Again, if you don’t get chills by only looks at this photo, you are suitable to be an owner of Tarantula. Tarantula’s can be found everywhere except Antarctica. They live for about 25 years and their size can vary from being as small as a fingernail to being as large as a dinner plate. Even though some people faint only by thinking about Tarantulas, the truth is- they rarely bite people. It would cost you about $15 to own a Tarantula. Cheap replacement pet: an ordinary spider, of course. It still eats flies and has no hair on its back.
15. Why would anyone want to own a cockroach on purpose, if we as humans did everything in our power to invent as many toxic stuff in order to keep them away from us? If you are not asking yourself this question right now, you should probably think about owning a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. They come from the island Madagascar, and they are called like that because of the hissing sounds they make. You can get one for $3. Cheap replacement pet: a ladybug? It doesn’t hiss and it’s very lovable.
Thank you for sharing this. And For me, I preferred to have exotic pets because they don't need more attention and time. I'll just make sure we have regular visit to their exotic animal veterinarian to maintain their health.